Joint Work for Better Water Quality in the Baltic Sea Region

Thematic cluster:
Vigorous sea
Archipelago and Islands Sub-programme
1. Safe and healthy environment
Direction of support:
Raising environmental awareness (Finding new ways)
Nov 2012 - Dec 2013 (1 years, 2 months)
Total funding:
193 106 €
ERDF funding:
144 829 €
EUSBSR Priority area
Reducing nutrient inputs to the sea to acceptable levels

Development idea

Eutrophication is a major threat to the ecosystems of the Baltic Sea. The causes for this alarming environmental situation are mainly due to nutrient emissions from the Baltic Sea countries. The coastlines of Sweden and Finland constitute approximately 2/3 of the total coastline and thus have a significant impact on the aquatic environment. The Swedish county of Östergötland and the Åland islands are two areas with similar geography and common problems in terms of environmental impacts from agriculture, fishing, boating and archipelago tourism.

Aim of the project

The main objective of the project was to have an exchange of information and experiences between the participating countries, focusing on eutrophication issues and integrated marine management.

Main project activities

By developing a cross-border expert network for exchange of information and experiences, the knowledge of water management was able to be used more efficiently. A model for how the environmental work around the Baltic Sea can be more cost-efficient was developed and resulted in a road map of how to work with sustainable measures to reduce eutrophication and improve the environment. The project also investigated the opportunities for a wider EU-project in the future concerning water management in the Baltic Sea area.


County Administrative Board of Östergötland (CAB)

ERDF funding:
117 604 €
Amount of eligible national funding:
39 202 €

Government of Åland (ÅLR)

ERDF funding:
27 225 €
Amount of eligible national funding:
9 075 €


Road map for cost-efficient and sustainable ways to work with marine management

The road map is a model presenting how the environmental work around the Baltic Sea can be organised in cost-efficient way.

The material is on use of sustainable measures to reduce eutrophication and improve the environment. The information includes ideas how to make environmental data more available through e.g. GIS-maps to protect the island landscapes better and to improve the water quality of the common environment of the Baltic Sea.

Road Map for cost-efficient and sustainable ways to work with marine management ENG