Fungi and Beetles in Buildings on Islands of Baltic Sea

Thematic cluster:
Archipelago and Islands Sub-programme
2. Economically competitive and innovative region
Direction of support:
Developing archipelago and islans specific economic activities - tradtional small scale farming, fishing, handicrafts, maritime heritage etc
Nov 2010 - Dec 2013 (3 years, 2 months)
Total funding:
1 156 780 €
ERDF funding:
963 363 €
EUSBSR Priority area
Developing and promoting the common culture and cultural identity

Development idea

Timber has been used on extensively on the Baltic Sea islands in many architectural heritage sites, dwelling houses and public buildings. The durability of wood is influenced by physical, chemical, mechanical and biological factors. According to the research, fungal and beetle damage can make timber buildings crumble. In addition, the fungi constitute a health risk for people and diminish the value of the buildings. In comparison to inland areas, the climate on the islands and in coastal regions is much more damp and temperature oscillations considerably smaller.

Aim of the project

The FaBBi project had the aim of preserving wooden buildings and structures on the islands of the Baltic Sea and in coastal regions through improving the awareness of local inhabitants and specialists regarding the damage caused by fungi and beetles.

Main project activities

To tackle the challenges, the project built a network for scientists and specialists engaged in fungal and beetle damage in addition to carrying out extensive research on fungal and beetle damage. Based on the knowledge acquired, the project has produced films and other training materials on the theme, including information on the prevention methods available.


Estonian Open Air Museum (EOAM)

ERDF funding:
353 968 €
Amount of eligible national funding:
62 466 €

Uppsala University

ERDF funding:
19 746 €
Amount of eligible national funding:
6 635 €

Gotland University

ERDF funding:
126 554 €
Amount of eligible national funding:
42 591 €

Estonian University of Life Sciences (EMU)

Lõuna – Eesti
ERDF funding:
297 465 €
Amount of eligible national funding:
52 495 €

Estonian Mycology Research Center (EMRC)

Lõuna – Eesti
ERDF funding:
165 630 €
Amount of eligible national funding:
29 229 €


Manual on wood-destroying insects and their monitoring

Concrete instructions on how to monitor wooden buildings for potential insect damages.

Manual on Wood-destroying Insects and their Monitoring (ENG)

Inspections on churches on the Åland islands and in Estonia

Reports on inspections on buildings on the Åland islands and on Estonian churches in the coastal areas and islands

Inspection on Åland islands (ENG)
Eesti rannikualal ja saartel paiknevate - Eesti Apostlik-Õigeusu Kirikute ülevaatused (Inspections of churches of Estonian Apostolic Orthodox Church located on Estonian coastal areas and islands) (EST)
Eesti rannikualal ja saartel paiknevate Eesti Evangeelsete Luterlike Kirikute Ülevaatused (Inspections of churches of Estonian Evangelical Lutheran Church located on Estonian coastal areas and islands) (EST)

Educational films about insect and fungi damage to wooden buildings

Educational films about insect and fungi damage to wooden buildings and ways to protect buildings from them.

One of the films tells about wood-destroying insects and fungi and how to treat and protect buildnings from them. Another film is about wood-destroying fungi and their biological and damage characteristics.

"Puidu seen- ja putukakahjustuste - Töötlusmeetodid hoonetes" (EST)
"Fungal Damages in Wood in Buildings" (EST, ENG)

In order to obtain the films please contact: Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut / Dr. rer. nat. Uwe Noldt (uwe.noldt * ti.bund.de)

Book: Hoonete biokahjustused (Bio deterioration in buildings)

A book about bio deterioration in buildings

Hoonete biokahjustused (EST)