Instructions and definition of content for the Central Baltic Project database

The Central Baltic Project database provides information on the altogether 122 cross-border projects funded by the Central Baltic INTERREG Programme 2007-2013. The programme has allocated 96 million euros from the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) to these projects implemented in Estonia, Finland (incl. Åland), Latvia and Sweden.

The database includes two types of information: information on the actual projects and information on what the projects have achieved or produced, i.e. their results. Both the projects and results can be searched for by using different search criteria on the left-hand side of the page.

Each project has the following content in the database
* criteria included in the search engine

Name of the project*

Thematic cluster the project belongs to*
The Joint Technical Secretariat has grouped the projects thematically to the following categories: Cultural Heritage, Green energy, Education, SMEs, Vigorous Sea and Wellbeing.

The Central Baltic INTERREG IV A Programme 2007-2013 consists of three programme parts which are: Central Baltic Programme, Southern Finland-Estonia Sub-programme and Archipelago and Islands Sub-programme. What programme the project has been financed under is partly related to the origin of the project partners and partly related to the theme of the project.

Programme priority*
The programme has three common priorities: Safe and healthy environment, Economically competitive and innovative region and Attractive and dynamic societies. Each project has contributed to one of the three.

Programme Direction of support
Each programme priority has several and more specific Directions of support. Every project belongs to one of these.

Project duration*
The funded project have had durations between 14-40 months. Here the starting and ending times of the project.

Total funding of the project*
The total funding includes the received ERDF funding and the national funding. NB! The figures show the allocated funding until the project has been closed. Only after the final closure of the project the figure will show the actual spenditure of the project.

Amount of funding the project has received from the programme (ERDF)
The total amount of funding the project has been allocated from the programme/European Regional Development Fund.

EUSBSR Priority Area*
Most of the funded projects support one of the Priority areas of the European Union Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region (EUSBSR). The priority area is mentioned here when applicable.

Website address of the project
If the project has a website running, the address is displayed here. Not all projects have websites in which case the Lead partner organization would be the place to look for more information if needed.

Content description of the project
A description of the development idea the project was working with, project aims and the main project activities.

Project partner organizations and their location*
List of organizations involved in the project as partners. All cross-border projects must have partners from at least two countries in the programme area.

ERDF funding received by each partner organization
The amount of funding for the partner in question from the programme/European Regional Development Fund.

National funding received by each partner organization
The amount of national funding for the partner in question.


The project results inserted in the database 

The results displayed in the database must be regarded as concrete, tangible examples of much wider results and impact which the projects have created in the region but which cannot be transferred into files and documents.

The results can be searched by their type or by project partner organization locations.