Management of onshore cleanup operations of oil spills in archipelagos
- Thematic cluster:
- Vigorous sea
- Programme:
- Archipelago and Islands Sub-programme
- Priority:
- 1. Safe and healthy environment
- Direction of support:
- Raising environmental awareness (Finding new ways)
- Duration:
- Nov 2012 - Apr 2014 (1 years, 6 months)
- Total funding:
- 505 003 €
- ERDF funding:
- 378 527 €
- EUSBSR Priority area
- To become a leading region in maritime safety and security
Development idea
The archipelagos in Åland, Southwest Finland and on the Swedish coast are unique environments with immeasurable cultural, social, ecological and economical value. Despite the general shallow depth of the archipelagos, oil tankers loaded with more than 100,000 tons of oil can traverse them. Procedures for combating oil spillages in the archipelago environment are very different from those in open sea. In archipelagos the oil will immediately reach countless sensitive beaches and shallow bays that are often difficult or even impossible to clean.
Aim of the project
The ARCHOIL project aimed to reduce the negative environmental and socio-economic impacts of a potential oil spill accident through supporting regional rescue services in developing shoreline cross-border response on a concrete operative level.
Main project activities
The project developed strategic oil spill response action plans in the archipelagos, in which local conditions are taken into account, challenges are identified and functional and efficient strategies for oil spill response are proposed. The action plans also included plans for immediate protection of selected sites in each region through fixed anchoring points for oil combating equipment. The project also increased the expertise of municipal officials and organisations involved in oil spill response.
Turku University of Applied Sciences
- Country:
- Finland
- Region:
- Varsinais-Suomi
- ERDF funding:
- 150 000 €
- Amount of eligible national funding:
- 50 000 €
Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency
- Country:
- Sweden
- Region:
- Stockholm
- ERDF funding:
- 127 427 €
- Amount of eligible national funding:
- 42 476 €
HAAGA-HELIA University of Applied Sciences
- Country:
- Finland
- Region:
- Uusimaa
- ERDF funding:
- 41 100 €
- Amount of eligible national funding:
- 14 000 €
Åland University of Applied Sciences
- Country:
- Åland
- Region:
- Åland
- ERDF funding:
- 60 000 €
- Amount of eligible national funding:
- 20 000 €
A training package on oil combating

The training package serves as a short introduction to oil combating for Finnish municipal authorities.
It describes the roles and responsibilities of the municipal authorities in an oil spill situation and gives a general overview of some of the basic concepts and methods regarding oil combating in archipelago conditions. The training package is available in Finnish and Swedish.
Öljyvahingosta onnistuneeseen öljyntorjuntaan - Tietopaketti kunnan viranhaltijoille (FIN)
Från oljeskada till lyckad oljebekämpning- Informationspaket för kommunens tjänsteinnehavare (SWE)