Environmental and Safety Management Cooperation on Shoreline Oil Spill Response
- Thematic cluster:
- Vigorous sea
- Programme:
- Central Baltic Programme
- Priority:
- 1. Safe and healthy environment
- Direction of support:
- Supporting sustainable spatial planning and environmental management
- Duration:
- Oct 2009 - Sep 2012 (3 years, 0 months)
- Total funding:
- 1 233 630 €
- ERDF funding:
- 955 880 €
- EUSBSR Priority area
- To become a leading region in maritime safety and security
- Website:
- http://www.ensaco.net/
Development idea
Oil transportation and other traffic at sea in the Central Baltic region is increasing steadily, thereby increasing the risk of pollution from ships. Authorities responsible for shoreline and archipelago oil spill response have recognised that their readiness to act is not at an adequate level.
Aim of the project
The aim of EnSaCo Oilspill was to promote the ability of key organisations - like national, regional and local rescue services and national authorities responsible for contingency planning - to respond on oil spills on shores. One concrete goal was to develop new management tools and practices in a joint, cross-border context in cooperation between Estonia, Finland and Sweden.
Main project activities
The partners developed an electronic management tool to be further developed by relevant authorities and HELCOM. The tool deals with mobilisation of technical and human resources and how to give priority to valuable areas in case of oilspills. The practical development work was supported by international and national workshops, seminars, trainings and international hands-on oil spill exercises. In addition, several manuals were produced.
HAAGA-HELIA University of Applied Sciences
- Country:
- Finland
- Region:
- Uusimaa
- ERDF funding:
- 286 057 €
- Amount of eligible national funding:
- 95 625 €
WWF Finland
- Country:
- Finland
- Region:
- Uusimaa
- ERDF funding:
- 21 291 €
- Amount of eligible national funding:
- 7 097 €
Varsinais-Suomi Rescue Services
- Country:
- Finland
- Region:
- Varsinais-Suomi
- ERDF funding:
- 33 721 €
- Amount of eligible national funding:
- 11 240 €
Swedish Coast Guard
- Country:
- Sweden
- Region:
- Stockholm
- ERDF funding:
- 32 147 €
- Amount of eligible national funding:
- 10 716 €
Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency
- Country:
- Sweden
- Region:
- Stockholm
- ERDF funding:
- 245 349 €
- Amount of eligible national funding:
- 81 783 €
Södertörn Rescue Services
- Country:
- Sweden
- Region:
- Stockholm
- ERDF funding:
- 0 €
- Amount of eligible national funding:
- 0 €
Söderköping Rescue Services
- Country:
- Sweden
- Region:
- Östergötland
- ERDF funding:
- 5 307 €
- Amount of eligible national funding:
- 1 769 €
Norrtälje Rescue Services
- Country:
- Sweden
- Region:
- Stockholm
- ERDF funding:
- 16 499 €
- Amount of eligible national funding:
- 5 500 €
Norrköpning Rescue Services
- Country:
- Sweden
- Region:
- Östergötland
- ERDF funding:
- 0 €
- Amount of eligible national funding:
- 0 €
Norduppland Rescue Services
- Country:
- Sweden
- Region:
- Uppsala
- ERDF funding:
- 0 €
- Amount of eligible national funding:
- 0 €
Greater Stockholm Fire Brigade
- Country:
- Sweden
- Region:
- Stockholm
- ERDF funding:
- 0 €
- Amount of eligible national funding:
- 0 €
Gotland Rescue Services
- Country:
- Sweden
- Region:
- Gotland
- ERDF funding:
- 6 411 €
- Amount of eligible national funding:
- 2 137 €
Gästrike Rescue Services
- Country:
- Sweden
- Region:
- Gävleborg
- ERDF funding:
- 0 €
- Amount of eligible national funding:
- 0 €
Estonian Rescue Board
- Country:
- Estonia
- Region:
- Põhja-Eesti
- ERDF funding:
- 28 456 €
- Amount of eligible national funding:
- 5 022 €
Estonian Maritime Academy
- Country:
- Estonia
- Region:
- Põhja-Eesti
- ERDF funding:
- 81 058 €
- Amount of eligible national funding:
- 14 308 €
Estonian Fund for Nature
- Country:
- Estonia
- Region:
- Lõuna – Eesti
- ERDF funding:
- 89 143 €
- Amount of eligible national funding:
- 15 731 €
Estonian Academy of Security Sciences
- Country:
- Estonia
- Region:
- Põhja-Eesti
- ERDF funding:
- 63 662 €
- Amount of eligible national funding:
- 11 235 €
Eastern Uusi-Maa Rescue Services
- Country:
- Finland
- Region:
- Itä-Uusimaa
- ERDF funding:
- 46 781 €
- Amount of eligible national funding:
- 15 594 €
Manual for taking care of wildlife affected by oilspill

The manual describes methods for taking care of wildlife, especially birds, affected by oil spills.
It can be used in the partner regions and beyond when arranging training for volunteers i.e. the general public and also in the case of a real oilspill. It is published in four languages (English, Swedish, Finnish, Estonian).
Oiled wildlife response protocols in the Central Baltic Sea (ENG)
Reostunud eluslooduse pääste käsiraamat (EST)
Öljyyntyneiden eläinten hoito keskisen Itämeren alueella (FIN)
Åtgärdsprotokoll för oljeskadade fåglar i centrala Östersjön (SWE)
Learning programme about oil spills to be used at educational institutions

The project EnSaco Oilspill produced a curriculum for teaching students and experts about oilspills and how to react on these.
It could be used for instance by universities of applied sciences but also by other organisations providing education and training in this field. The curriculum consists of several modules that cover the different aspects of combating oil spills.
Response Curricula Module
Curricula Module Implementation Plan
Manual for cross-border shoreline oil spill excercise

A manual provides information on implementing international exercises on combating shoreline oil spills.
The manual describes step-by-step the necessary actions to be taken including planning, conduction and evaluation. In addition, EnSaCo documented a larger cross-border exercise - BOILEX - arranged by the project in 2011.
BOILEX training plan
BOILEX Manual for Cross-border shoreline oil spill response exercise
BOILEX Final exercise report