Development of Innovative Business Models for Ensuring Competitiveness
- Thematic cluster:
- SMEs
- Programme:
- Southern Finland - Estonia Sub-programme
- Priority:
- 2. Economically competitive and innovative region
- Direction of support:
- Creating and supporting innovative and competitive environments
- Duration:
- Jun 2010 - May 2013 (3 years, 0 months)
- Total funding:
- 2 987 310 €
- ERDF funding:
- 2 494 400 €
- Website:
Development idea
Finland and Estonia have a strong history of cooperation in the fields of mechanical engineering and mechatronics. Mechatronics is a multidisciplinary engineering system design that does not see engineering as split into separate disciplines. The industry forms a dominant part of manufacturing and exports in the region. However, due to globalisation and the continuous increase in competition, it is necessary to implement new business models and production structures.
Aim of the project
This project concentrated on raising the region’s scientific-technical potential, competence and reputation via the elaboration and implementation of new business models and the development of cross-border collaboration.
Main project activities
The project used experts from educational institutions and industry as sources of information and knowledge through brainstorming, surveys and analysis. The data gathered was collected into a “Region of Knowledge” technology platform, and the results were disseminated through seminars and publications. The project also organised pilot training in mechatronics to test the potential of cross-border collaboration and, based on identified future needs, has created a development plan for the region in the field of mechanical engineering and mechatronics.
Tallinn Science Park Foundation (TEHNOPOL)
- Country:
- Estonia
- Region:
- Põhja-Eesti
- ERDF funding:
- 136 010 €
- Amount of eligible national funding:
- 24 003 €
Tallinn University of Technology (TUT)
- Country:
- Estonia
- Region:
- Põhja-Eesti
- ERDF funding:
- 116 161 €
- Amount of eligible national funding:
- 20 499 €
Tallinn City Enterprise Board (TLV)
- Country:
- Estonia
- Region:
- Põhja-Eesti
- ERDF funding:
- 98 043 €
- Amount of eligible national funding:
- 17 302 €
Partner 8 does not exist in this project
- Country:
- Region:
- ERDF funding:
- 0 €
- Amount of eligible national funding:
- 0 €
Partner 7 does not exist in this project
- Country:
- Region:
- ERDF funding:
- 0 €
- Amount of eligible national funding:
- 0 €
Machine Technology Centre Turku (KTK)
- Country:
- Finland
- Region:
- Varsinais-Suomi
- ERDF funding:
- 157 688 €
- Amount of eligible national funding:
- 67 566 €
Centre for Metrology and Accreditation (MIKES)
- Country:
- Finland
- Region:
- Uusimaa
- ERDF funding:
- 82 760 €
- Amount of eligible national funding:
- 27 587 €
Association of Mechatronics (MECA)
- Country:
- Estonia
- Region:
- Põhja-Eesti
- ERDF funding:
- 1 903 730 €
- Amount of eligible national funding:
- 335 954 €
Research on the regional competency in the field of mechatronics
A study "The capability and competitiveness of the mechatronics field in the North-Estonia and South-Finland region"
The study maps and analyses the following aspects of the mechatronics companies: main competence, markets and products, market geography, technological capability, research and development capability, personnel competence, experience related to participation in cluster-based cooperation.
The capability and competitiveness of the mechatronics field in the North-Estonia and South-Finland region ENG
Mehhatroonika valdkonna suutlikkus ja konkurentsivõime Põhja-Eesti ja Lõuna-Soome piirkonnas EST
A film about the advanced high-tech capacity of Estonia
The film introduces the region of high-tech production and knowledge in Estonia based in the field of machinery and mechatronics.
The following themes are highlighted: region of knowledge, region of high-tech production, region of co-operation (local and cross-border co-operation, triangle between companies/research institutions/public sector) and public private co-operation.