Empowering Socially Excluded Elderly within Russian Minority in Estonia and Finland

Thematic cluster:
Southern Finland - Estonia Sub-programme
3. Attractive and dynamic societies
Direction of support:
Social security and wellbeing of different groups in society
Mar 2009 - Oct 2011 (2 years, 8 months)
Total funding:
371 796 €
ERDF funding:
296 587 €
EUSBSR Priority area
Improving and promoting people’s health, including its social aspects

Development idea

"The proportion of people aged 65 and over in Estonia and Finland has grown rapidly and consequently the pressure on health and social services is increasing. Studies have shown that there are numerous age-related problems: financial, material and psychological. The situation seems to be even worse among the Russian minorities due to language and cultural barriers. However, elderly people can manage better on their own if they receive preventive information regarding how to cope with agerelated problems."

Aim of the project

The EMEL project increased the well-being and active participation in society of elderly people of the Russian minority living in Finland and Estonia.

Main project activities

"The EMEL project created and promoted a model for empowering socially excluded elderly within the Russian minority in Estonia and Finland. The work was started by interviewing focus groups and compiling a report on the main needs and problems of the Russian elderly. EMEL also provided training to geriatric care practitioners, home care workers and the elderly within the Russian minority. Through the use of the model, the elderly receive information and strategies on how to cope without external aid for as long as possible."


Tallinn Pedagogical College (TPC)

ERDF funding:
150 794 €
Amount of eligible national funding:
26 611 €

Diaconia University of Applied Sciences (DIAK)

ERDF funding:
145 793 €
Amount of eligible national funding:
48 598 €


Empowering model for the elderly in the Russian minorities in Finland and Estonia

A model was developed in order to increase the active participation in society and the wellbeing of elderly people within the Russian minorities in Finland and Estonia based on self-care methods.

The main needs and problems of the elderly within the Russian minorities were mapped and the situations in Estonia and Finland were compared. Based on the research a 40-hour training programme was developed and it has been integrated into the continuing education programmes of Tallinn Pedagogical College and Diaconia University of Applied Sciences.

Research paper (ENG)
Eakatega töötajate 40-tunnise täienduskoolituse õppekava (EST)

A handbook for elderly care workers

The handbook is aimed at elderly care professionals working with the elderly within the Russian minority in Finland and Estonia.

Handbook Eaka toeks (EST)
Handbook for Finland: Elämänpolkuni - МОЙ ЖИЗНЕННЫЙ ПУТЬ  (FIN and RUS)

Report on the situation of the elderly care in Russian minority in Finland

The report gives an overview on the main challenges and needs of the elderly within Russian minority in Finland.

Venäjänkieliset ikääntyneet maahanmuuttajat (FIN)